Writer's Notebook

Empowering students through engagement, choice and explicit teaching.

Writer's Notebook is embedded into our teaching and learning practice across the school. Led by our Teaching and Learning Coach, Writer's Notebook is a brilliant program aimed specifically towards student engagement and explicit teaching to support the individual learning needs of our students.

Writer's Notebook is programed daily and follows a strategic and consistent structure to empower students through their learning. Teachers explicitly model an aspect of writing, and then provide students opportunity to practise their new skills while conducting individual and group conferences.

Writer's Notebook has transformed the way students think about writing. It links directly to their reading program, acting as an excellent support towards developing a well-rounded literacy program. Students are empowered by having choice in their individual writing time that is carefully monitored by class teachers.

The 'Author's Chair' is used by students at the end of each writing session, to showcase learning and gain direct feedback from class peers and teacher to further develop writing technique.