School Uniform

As per our School Uniform policy, all students are expected to wear the Alexandra Primary School uniform.

Alexandra Primary School uniform is available for purchase from Alexandra Secondary College, from their onsite uniform shop, or online via the Fashion Clubwear website.

Alexandra Secondary College Uniform shop opening hours are Mondays 8.30am to 11.00am and Tuesday 12.45pm - 3.30pm and uniforms can only be purchased onsite at these times. All enquiries please email Holly on , no uniform enquiries are to be directed to Alexandra Primary or Alexandra Secondary College.

Fashion Clubwear offers an online ordering portal via this website. Parents then can purchase any part of the uniform online, and these will be delivered to Alexandra Primary School on Monday and Wednesday.

There is a second hand uniform shop at the Alexandra Primary School office, open 8.30am - 4pm school days.

General School Uniform
Royal Blue polo shirt with Alexandra Primary School logo
Plain White or Blue Skivvy underneath polo shirt
Royal Blue polar fleece
Blue and white check dress
Grey school Shorts (no logos), Skorts or Culottes
Grey school trousers (no cargo pockets/jeans)
School wide brimmed hat (available at the school office)
Parkers/jackets and warm hats are encouraged for outside in cool weather.
Grey tights can be worn.
No leggings.

Safe and secure shoes are necessary for running and climbing. Runners are ideal. We welcome gumboots in rainy weather and slippers for inside if you like!
Thongs, open toed or slip on shoes are not permitted at school.

Wide brimmed school hats are compulsory in Terms 1 & 4 and parts of Terms 2 & 3 as per Sunsmart Policy. Hats can be purchased for $10 from the Office.

School Sport & Outdoor Education days
Royal blue polo shirt with Alexandra Primary School logo OR House colours T-shirt (Red, Green, Gold) with Alexandra Primary School logo
Black or grey shorts or black leggings