School Profile

Alexandra Primary School is in a rural setting in north-eastern Victoria, 135 kilometres from Melbourne. Overall enrolments have been relatively stable over the past 4 years and currently stand at 162 students. The Student Family Occupation (SFO) currently sits at 0.54. Alexandra Primary School currently operates with seven classes and an equivalent full time (EFT) staff of thirteen.

At Alexandra Primary School, we strive to create safe, positive and engaging learning environments to provide our students every opportunity for success. The school’s moral purpose is to build a learning community that challenges and supports young minds to develop as independent and lifelong learners, continually striving for excellence, and is supported by the values of Respect, Care, Integrity and Achieve. We want our students to be the best they can be, to support them to be happy, well rounded, confident members of their community.

Our strong commitment to student learning is supported by quality teaching practice, regular team planning and ongoing professional learning by our dedicated staff. Our Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan focus on further developing skills in Literacy, Numeracy and Inquiry learning from Prep to Grade 6.

Our established values of Respect, Care, Integrity and Achieve, are commonly known and embedded through our Wellbeing Program. There is a common understanding of each value’s meaning and their implementation is consistent across the school community. We have a Student Wellbeing Coordinator to support the school community in sustaining good practice, with a focus on maximising academic, social and emotional development and learning for our students with a particular focus on mutual respect, inclusiveness and achieving personal best. Our students have the opportunity to develop leadership skills within a range of responsibilities that include: peer support program, buddy program, School Representative Council, House Captains and School Captains.

We have strong links to a unique and specifically tailored Outdoor Education Program that is designed to support and consolidate the building of positive relationships, student wellbeing and school connectedness. Our grounds include a mountain bike track that is supervised by an appropriately trained teacher and available to students twice a week.

Alexandra Primary School learning spaces are bright and open, designed for maximum opportunity for both teachers and students to work collaboratively. Our resource area promotes safe use of technology with strong links to literacy and numeracy. Our outdoor leaning areas provide alternative learning spaces for our students, aligning with our teaching and learning philosophy.

Our school welcomes a strong and active community, headed by a School Council who partner us in our teaching and learning program. The Alexandra Primary School Parents’ Group raise important funds for our school which in the past have included shade sails, sports equipment and library furniture. These highly valued community stakeholders contribute towards building a positive school culture.